
Saturday 2 March 2013

Glittery praise!

Tammy Dial Gray

"I have enjoyed working with Jani. I love printing out the play books she includes in her posts and then completing the work while I am out and about and as a part of my regular routine. 
I have been very intentional about "playing" in my play book instead of making them assignments. Jani encouraged me to create my Artists page on facebook before I ever even dreamed of having one. I have only known Jani for a few months but I have gone from having to be brave to even try to create a face to having my work in my first Art Gallery Show, teaching for an art gallery and yes, even creating my own fan page."

Michèle Heidi Sutton
Ho Ho Chi Heaven

"I very much enjoyed our creative journey...... As someone who spends much of my time inspiring others, I occasionally need some encouragement to work on my own projects and UnEarth Your Creative Nature arrived at a very good time for me. 

The daily doodles practice was great fun and is an exercise that I plan to incorporate in future with my own students. It's very easy to focus on what we haven't managed to achieve and I felt the course helped me to appreciate all those things I have and do accomplish on a regular basis - for this I am truly thankful"

"..working with you has profoundly changed my life as an artist. I feel as if I have found my way home to a sustained and very personal creativity that is awesome in a way I hadn't experienced before...JOY!" (Cheryl)

Michelle Halpern, artist
A desire to get creative blog

"I have enjoyed writing ever since I was a little girl, starting with my first attempt at writing a book when I was in third or fourth grade. In high school I took up poetry, and that joy lasted until I was in college (studying English Literature) and my poetry workshop classes drove me to such insecurity that 10 years later I still don't write more than a poem or two each year. In 2007 I participated in my first National Novel Writing Month, and since then writing NaNoWriMo novels in November has become a tradition for me. Thirty days of literary abandon, and the rest of the year... I all but abandon my literary side.

Enter Jani, my new impetus (impetus: noun. a driving force; stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity). I started the UnEarth Your Creative Nature eCourse with an intent to do more art -- by which I meant painting, collage, or even taking photographs. 

But while I did start doodling more, and I did a sketch, the biggest change in my life has been that I am back to writing a lot. I completely revamped my blog, and I've been posting several times a week. I've started working on my Big Writing Project, which will one day be a trilogy of dystopian YA novels, but currently needs a lot of work. And I got up in the middle of the night last week to write two pages of notes for a novel idea that had just come to me, and that I didn't want to forget by morning. Jani's free eCourse had me celebrating myself and facing down my blockmonsters, and I am on such a creative high that I am happy to pay for her other eCourses just to keep working with her guidance."

Michelle Morgan
mixed media artist

"UnEarth your Creative Nature really helped me to break out of a 2 year long creative block, stop focusing on "the day job", and make a life changing jump into college, university, and eventually starting a charity using art therapy for vulnerable women. I'm only at the start of this journey but I trust Jani's teaching and hope to do some more of her courses in the future. I have also started daily journalling, which has helped me to break out of an emotional cage and feel like myself again. This course really changed my life!" 

"......not only am I now in touch with a wonderful community of art 'n' crafters, but it has set me on the road to going pro - the first commissions have happened, people buy my jewellery, and I'm now thinking seriously about adding paintings to the pro-mix. Thanks Jani :)" 

"Your presence in my life has added a new dimension which I am really enjoying!" (Liz)

"Thank you so much for your encouragement and understanding my own authenticity." (Tammy)

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